By Gary Nager

With several dozen people crammed into every nook and cranny of his new district office in the professional park on S.R. 54, just east of Saddlebrook Resort, Dist. 12 U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R – Palm Harbor) has actually opened two new offices, including this one, his first-ever in Wesley Chapel.

ā€œIā€ˆpreviously represented the 9th Congressional District, which didnā€™t include this area,ā€ā€ˆBilirakis said during the Wesley Chapel open house on January 30. ā€œNow, Iā€ˆrepresent all of Pasco County, so we decided to open new offices in New Port Richey and Wesley Chapel, so our local constituents in those areas can better reach us.ā€ The 12th District also includes parts of northern Pinellas and northern Hillsborough counties, including the parts of New Tampa, north of Tampa Palms.

Among the dignitaries on hand at the Wesley Chapel open house was Pasco County District 5 Commissioner Jack Mariano, as well as Roger Mitchell, the regional president of the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA), a Congressionally chartered, non-profit organization that represents the interests of the Sea Service community (e.g., the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard), especially the enlisted members of those forces, before the U.S. Congress.

Mitchell said Rep. Bilirakis, who is the Vice-Chairman of the House Veteransā€™ Affairs Committee, Chairman of the Veteransā€™ Affairs Task Force for the Republican Policy Committee and Co-Chair of the Military Veterans Caucus, earned the recognition, ā€œby a unanimous vote,ā€ā€ˆbecause of his ā€œservice to all U.S. military veterans.ā€

Rep. Bilirakis, who didnā€™t know he was even nominated, was obviously touched by the honor and gladly donned an FRAā€ˆgarrison hat given to him by Mitchell.

ā€œI will cherish this award,ā€ā€ˆhe said. ā€œIā€ˆknow the good work that the FRAā€ˆdoes on behalf of our (sea)ā€ˆservice men and women.ā€

Rep. Bilirakis said that as the 113th Congress begins its work this month, there are, ā€œmany tough times ahead, and tough decisions that have to be madeā€ā€ˆto help pull the country out of its current economic woes. He added that he, ā€œwelcomes the input of every constituent,ā€ā€ˆso that he can make his decisions on some of the countryā€™s most critical issues, ā€œbased on what the residents of the 12th District say they want.ā€

In other words, Rep. Bilirakis wants your input on any of the issues coming before Congress and he says the best way to contact him is by emailing him from his website, Bilirakis. ā€œIā€ˆsee every letter and email sent to me,ā€ā€ˆhe said. ā€œAnd Iā€ˆwant to hear from you!ā€

Rep. Bilirakisā€™ Wesley Chapel office (5901 Argerian Dr., Suite 102) is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For more info, call 501-4942.

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