New Gary headshot for web
An editorial by Gary Nager

Although we always try to give proper attribution when we use information or photos from another source other than our own staff in these pages (or on, long-time readers of the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News surely must recognize that we donā€™t do a whole lot of promoting of other local media companies, online or in our publications.
But, every once in a great while, someone comes along who, by virtue of the respect he or she has earned not only from me, but also the entire community they serve, who merits special mention on this page.
One such person is Tony Masella, the owner, chief photographer and all-around great guy at

Former local newspaper columnist Charlie Reese (left) emceed the ā€œToastā€ā€ˆof Tony Masella of on July 18.
Former local newspaper columnist Charlie Reese (left) emceed the ā€œToastā€ā€ˆof Tony Masella of on July 18.

Tony was deservedly honored on July 18 at the ā€œPasco Toast for Tonyā€ā€ˆat the Copperstone Executive Suites on Land Oā€™Lakes Blvd. (U.S. 41).Ā  At the ā€œToast,ā€ā€ˆwhich was emceed to perfection by Charlie Reese (a former columnist at yet another local media outlet who now co-owns JCā€ˆAudiology &ā€ˆHearing Aids with his wife Dr. Judith Reese, Ph.D.), Iā€ˆwas among somewhere between 70-100 people who were on hand to give Tony his just due.

Thereā€™s no doubt ā€” as anyone who is among the 23,000 visitors who click on 400,000 times each month can attest ā€” that Tony attends and photographs more events in the Wesley Chapel area than anyone else, including assistant editor Matt Wiley and yours truly of this publication combined.

Our monthly news magazines and website have used dozens of Tonyā€™s pics over the years and weā€™re certainly not alone in that fact. Anytime Matt and Iā€ˆcanā€™t get to an event in our distribution areas, we pretty much know that Tony will be on hand to shoot it ā€” as he has been since 1996 (or only about two years after Iā€ˆbecame the publisher of the Neighborhood News) ā€” with his always-winning smile and kind words. The man is nothing if not real ā€” and really, really hard-working.
Tony actually started off the evening by showing that those who visit can now easily download any of his pics ā€” for free, mind you ā€” and that visitors can even have any story on the site translated into Spanish with the click of a button. Then, Charlieā€™s hilarious slideshow toast/roast of Tony had our shutterbug mutual buddy showing up at everything from Pres. Obamaā€™s inauguration to the Oscars to the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.
But, while Tony wasnā€™t actually at any of the depicted events, he does seem to show up at virtually every ribbon cutting and event for the Wesley Chapel, Central Pasco and Land Oā€™Lakes Chambers of Commerce and Rotary Clubs, as well as many events in New Tampa. And his pics are always outstanding.
So, even though Iā€™m not in the business or even the habit of promoting other media in these pages, my buddy Tony Masella is someone worthy of special mention. So, Iā€ˆhope youā€™ll check out or call 951-4200 and maybe do some business with this truly great guy. And, great job on the ā€œToast,ā€ā€ˆCharlie!

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