I wanted to update the New Tampa community about what is happening at City Hall.
Homicides in New Tampa
As everyone knows, the New Tampa community has been rocked by a number of recent homicides. Public safety is always issue number one with me. I have always proudly stood with our police and fire departments even in tough political times, with hits from both left and right.
On July 1, 2024, I put together a town hall in New Tampa where Tampa Police Chief Lee Bercaw briefed the community. The turnout showed that New Tampa is united against crime and that we are ready to respond. Our cops in New Tampa know we support them. I will continue to support our cops and push for a Public Safety Master Plan.
We will be having a follow up town hall on Tuesday, July 30, 6 p.m., at Compton Park in Tampa Palms. I hope to see you there.
New Tampa Fire Response Times
Next is the Tampa Fire Rescue (TFR) Department. Since I took office, we have built two new fire stations for North and New Tampa — with a third coming for North Tampa. The problem for New Tampa is not call volume, but response times — especially for K-Bar Ranch.
I have been working with TFR for a plan for New Tampa. I favor a modular station for K-Bar Ranch — something the Administration opposes. So, if I can not get a home run, I will fight for a double. That means another vehicle for Station 22 for response times. And (as reported a couple of issues ago), working on a potential “cut through” on Morris Bridge Rd. to provide easier access to K-Bar Ranch from TFR Station No. 22 on Cross Creek Blvd.
I tell people: whether it is a new station, a cut through, another vehicle or 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys, I will work for any solution that addresses this problem.
K-Bar Ranch Park
In this year’s budget, I asked for design funding for a multi-acre city park in K-Bar Ranch. This will set up this project for construction funding in the coming years.
I hope this will create a pathway for a cricket field presence in New Tampa, something the Indian-Americans in our area have long lobbied for. If we secure the design money, then the public engagement process begins, and I will push hard for a cricket presence in this space. If this passes, it will likely be built after I leave office — but I want to make sure that this moves forward now for K-Bar Ranch.
We need to make sure City Hall knows that New Tampa – the Alaska of Tampa – exists and has needs.
About The 2024 Elections
We’ve all got a big election coming up. People have their opinions — God knows I have mine — but I tell everyone this: Do not empower the idea that we are one another’s enemies because of our mainstream differences.
As an elected official, I work with anyone who will help me improve the lives of my constituent — Republican or Democrat.
Let’s see the best in one another as Americans. In this acute time, there is no greater American challenge than to build bridges with one another — and build back normalcy. Ever wonder how extreme movements like “Defund the Police” or “Stop the Steal” on January 6th get so much oxygen? They happen when we let politics become our identity. So, stop yelling at MSNBC or Fox and instead go to church, go for a walk or chat with your neigh bor about baseball or something.
Tampa City Council Pay Raises
Lastly, I have received many calls and seen many comments about the recent Tampa City Council pay raise, where my fellow Council members voted 4-3 to give us all a 40% pay raise. I wanted to explain my “No” vote.
Here is my view: a pay raise makes sense. But, it’s the timing that kills me. The 27th Amendment of our Constitution mandates that Congress first vote on a pay raise, then have an election, then get the benefit of it. If this formula is good enough for Congress, then it should be good enough for City Council, too.
A higher salary will allow more people from different backgrounds to run for Council — a good result. But, why have us benefit before voters have their say on who gets this amount? Makes sense to me and, I bet, to many of you, too.
Know what a pleasure it has been to represent you. I have been in office almost eight years with political ups and downs, but with my constituents it has always been a pleasure.
Also know that I always remain available at luis.viera@tampagov.net.