Mitze & chiropractic physician Dr. Micah Richeson can help you feel better and lose weight safely with their Richeson Wellness and NutriMost, both located at Cypress Creek Chiropractic & Wellness off S.R. 56.

At Cypress Creek Chiropractic & Wellness in the Cypress Ridge Professional Plaza off of S.R. 56, Micah Richeson, D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) and his wife Mitze offer a variety of programs to help people get and stay healthy and feel their best.

While Dr. Richeson focuses on wellness from a “structural” perspective (alignment of the spine), Mitze has been offering NutriMost, a weight-loss program supervised by her husband, for the past three years, Now, she’s pleased to announce the inception of Richeson Wellness, which will focus on nutrition and wellness through functional medicine (which is a medical practice that focuses on optimal body and organ function, generally through holistic treatments).

Dr. Richeson is a third-generation chiropractic physician who opened the practice in 2008, after eight years in his father’s practice in Gainesville. He earned his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Public Health from the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond and his D.C. degree from Parker College in Dallas, TX, in 2000.

Mitze received her Certification as a Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant in 2013 from the Cleveland Chiropractic College, which is based in Cleveland, OH.

She is still offering NutriMost, a rapid weight-loss program that allows women to lose up to 25 pounds in 40 days (for men, it’s up to 40 pounds). It’s a national franchise with about 160 locations, with just three in the Tampa Bay area. Now, in addition to that intense weight-loss program, Richeson Wellness offers a different option for women and men whose bodies aren’t quite ready for the type of drastic lifestyle change that NutriMost requires.

“Some women and men do fantastic with NutriMost,” says Mitze, “but in some people, especially women, the program didn’t always work for them. They were frustrated, or felt lethargic, because their bodies weren’t ready to burn fat that rapidly, maybe because of thyroid issues, toxic liver (when the liver is inflamed by toxins), or adrenal (gland) fatigue. I started thinking that there’s got to be a better way for people in that category.”

Different Approaches For Different Needs

Mitze says that many people hear about NutriMost from friends and family who have had success with the program in other locations across the U.S., and find her through the NutriMost website. They come in for an initial consultation with either Mitze, or either of the office’s two health coaches — with Jill Fischer or Janine Kerschen.

After the consultation, the program includes weekly coaching sessions where participants are taught to eat healthy, whole foods. They are given a variety of natural appetite suppressants, using herbs and amino acids, and supplement support.

“Whatever area the body is weakened or lacking, we support those organs through specifically targeted supplements,” Mitze says, adding that NutriMost is a drastic program, and the body has to be healthy and functioning well for it to work properly.

Even at that first consultation, she explains, sometimes it’s obvious that NutriMost just isn’t the right fit.

“We know the red flags,” she says. “Sometimes, I’ve talked with a woman at her initial consultation and I have had to explain that NutriMost might not be the right fit for her.”

Mitze says she no longer has to tell people she can’t help them yet: “Now, I would recommend that people in that category do Richeson Wellness first.”

To prepare for the launch of Richeson Wellness, Mitze continued taking functional medicine classes and learning not only how to read and interpret blood work, but also the protocols that help balance the body.

“This new program begins with intense blood work to (see what it takes to) get the body in a state where it’s ready to handle rapid weight loss,” she says. “We can’t push your body to lose a pound a day if it’s too tired or just has other things it’s trying to do. It’s like carrying rocks in a backpack and adding a bowling ball.”

But, it works the other way, too.

“If someone calls me for Richeson Wellness and they just want to get 50 pounds off fast because they’re carrying too much weight, but they are otherwise healthy and their blood work is normal, then I’m going to recommend NutriMost.”

She adds that NutriMost, “is great because people get really great results really fast. With Richeson Wellness, we’re working on getting the body into focus first.”

She does that by starting with a comprehensive blood work-up, showing her clients how their bodies are out of balance, and then helping them gain control over their bodies through proper supplementation and good nutritional choices.

Mitze emphasizes that this blood work is much more comprehensive and will be better explained than what typically happens at most doctors’ offices.

“I’ve had so many clients bring their blood test results and tell me their doctor didn’t explain it,” Mitze says. “They tell me their doctor said, ‘Here’s your blood work, you’re fine,’ or ‘Here, now take this prescription.’ Then they leave with no real hope for resolution. They just do what they’re told.”

She says, in contrast, “We give a full, deep report of 17-25 pages that explains every marker in your blood tests, including (any) abnormalities (that could be affecting your ability to lose weight).”

Then, she takes the time to explain the entire report and what you can do to correct those abnormalities.

“When people understand what’s going on in their bodies, they are empowered to make improvements and take ownership of them,” Mitze says. “We want to educate and empower people to have control by how they’re eating.”

So, while NutriMost continues to help people who want to lose a significant amount of weight quickly — and are healthy enough to do so — Richeson Wellness will focus on each client’s overall wellness. Mitze says weight loss may be a natural byproduct of getting healthy, and working with her will set people up to be ready to lose weight once the initial program is complete.

“When the body gets into that balanced state, it starts losing weight naturally,” she says. “It might take 40 days to get to the point where your body is ready to lose weight. Then, once you get to that point, weight comes off pretty easily.”

Measurable Results

April Ray is a NutriMost client who started the program in January of this year. She says she wanted to lose 30 pounds and she did so, although it took her longer than 40 days.

“With the tools that NutriMost gives you, I have kept it off (for the last several months),” April says. “NutriMost is a new way of eating. I eat more calories and volume than what I used to eat before I went to NutriMost. It’s taught me how to combine protein, fats, and carbs in the right proportions, so I feel satisfied. I don’t feel like I’m starving, like on most diets.”

April, who is 59, says she loves the side effects of her new, healthier eating habits, too. “I don’t have to take any prescription medicine for cholesterol or high blood pressure, and I have a lot of energy,” she says. “A lot of women my age feel like they need to slow down, but I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. Before starting the program, I didn’t feel like exercising or doing anything, but now I have a lot more energy.”

Cypress Creek Chiropractic, Richeson Wellness and NutriMost are located at 2304 Crestover Ln. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (813) 241-7098 to reach the NutriMost staff or (813) 435-6643 to reach Mitze for Richeson Wellness. Also, visit or search “Richeson Wellness” on Facebook.

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