By Matt Wiley

It’s not uncommon to see students walking to and from school in the New Tampa area during the morning and afternoon hours. However, impatient drivers endanger these students when they do not yield for the young pedestrians attempting to cross busy intersections.

This problem has become increasingly dangerous at the intersection of Oak Preserve Blvd. and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., across from Paul R. Wharton High. The problem has become so serious, in fact, that a “pedestrian sequence” is being installed at the traffic signal to allow students ample time to safely cross BBD.

“(The pedestrian sequence) is the easiest way to ensure student safety,” says City of Tampa traffic design engineer Mike Scanlon. “We’ve received numerous bitter complaints about drivers refusing to stop for kids crossing the street.”

The sequence, he explains, will slightly alter the way the traffic lights change at the intersection when students are on their way to and from school — usually between 7-7:30 a.m. and 3-3:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Instead of one direction having a green light while pedestrians are given the go-ahead to cross the street, if a pedestrian presses the button on the signal to cross, everyone gets a red light. The red light allows pedestrians (students, walkers, etc.) to safely cross the intersection without having to worry about impatient drivers.

Scanlon says that the new signal sequence should be in place in the next few weeks, possibly as soon as by the time this issue reaches your mailbox. Always look twice for pedestrians when traversing our busy New Tampa roads.

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