Wesley Chapel drivers should expect some traffic delays, as a new project on a major roadway just got under way.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), a project to resurface S.R. 56 got started on January 5. FDOT’s website says that the $6.8-million resurfacing project will put down a new layer of asphalt along the east and westbound lanes of S.R. 56, from just west of the I-75 interchange and all along the more than two-mile stretch to Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd.

FDOT reports that the project also will repave the I-75 entrance and exit ramps and install sidewalks along each side of that stretch of S.R. 56.

The S.R. 56 project will be completed by Inglis, FL-based D.A.B. Constructors, Inc., which has completed paving and road construction projects across Tampa Bay, including the Suncoast Pkwy. and along U.S. 41 in Land O’Lakes and U.S. 19 in New Port Richey. D.A.B.’s contract with FDOT gives the company 390 days to complete the resurfacing project, which is expected to be completed by the spring of 2016.

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