We had so many entries so quickly for this year’s “Big Game” Squares contest that I decided to add a second grid of 100 squares for the “Big Game” between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, February 11! That means we will have two $100 prizes, two $50 prizes and four $25 prizes, all to be awarded as gift certificates to the restaurants of each winner’s choice! And, best of all, there is no purchase necessary to enter or win any of our prizes!
As of today, we have fewer than 40 squares left out of the 200 total between the two grids, so either completely fill out the entry form by clicking HERE or email your entry with your Name, Street Address, the Community You Live In (Tampa Palms, Seven Oaks, etc.), your Daytime Phone Number & your Valid Email Address and email your entry to Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com by no later than this Friday, February 9, to be eligible.
Please note that NO entries sent by U.S. Mail will be accepted for this contest!
We will continue to accept entries until all 200 squares are taken. Once both grids have been filled, I will email you your square, so you can have a little added excitement when you watch the Big Game! Good luck to all!
Official Neighborhood News ‘Big Game’ Squares Contest Rules!
1. No purchase of any kind is necessary to enter or to win.
2. To enter, completely fill out the entry form by clicking HERE.
*Note—Entries sent by U.S. mail will NOT be accepted.
3. Only one entry per person, whether online or by email, not both.
4. All entries must be received by Friday, February 9, to be eligible.
5. Entrants will NOT get to choose their squares.
6. The first 200 properly filled out entries we receive will receive one of the 200 available squares.
7. The publisher will assign squares at random on both grids on Saturday, February 10.
8. If we receive fewer than 200 entries, those spaces will have no name entered in them and no one will be eligible to win a prize for any of those spaces. It doesn’t appear that this will be a problem, based on the overwhelming response so far.
9. After all eligible names have been entered, the publisher will assign numbers 0-9 at random in both the top row and the far left column of the grid.
10. The contest has been posted at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net since January 9. The filled-out grids will be posted before kickoff on Feb. 11.
11. Prizes to be awarded (one prize per quarter per grid): 1Q-$25; Half-$50; 3Q- $25; 4Q or OT-$100. ALL prizes will be gift cards to the restaurant of each winner’s choice. Winners must submit the name of the restaurant of their choice or no prize will be awarded.
12. Contest results will be posted at NeighborhoodNewsOnline.net by Feb. 14 & in our Feb. 20 Wesley Chapel & March 5 New Tampa issues.