Aarush Prasad

New Tampa resident Aarush Prasad has always been good at math, but when he got his SAT results back in February, even he was a little stunned at the results:

A perfect 800 on the math portion of the important college entrance exam.

Even more amazing is the fact that Aarush is only a seventh-grader.

“I was a little surprised,’’ says Aarush, who attends Williams Middle Magnet School on E. Hillsborough Ave. “I was pretty excited when I found out.”

Aarush was honored for his accomplishment by the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) on May 16 at Cameron Indoor Stadium on Duke’s beautiful campus in Durham, NC.

The Grand Recognition Ceremony honored seventh graders across the country who earned exceptional scores on either the ACT or SAT.

The last four years, Duke TIP has named 35-60 students a year as William and Dorothy C. Bevan Scholars for getting perfect SAT math scores, which means they scored equal to or better than 99 percent of all college-bound high school students who took the test, not that they answered every question correctly.

Aarush’s mother, Veenu Gupta, is an instructor at Aloha Mind Math on Cross Creek Blvd. She said she told her son before the test to focus on the math section, since that was his strongest subject. He says he took some mock tests and read study guides to prepare.

“I told him to focus on getting a better score in the math,’’ Veenu said. “But a perfect score is really amazing.”

Aarush, who was on the Math League team at Williams that won top Hillsborough County School District honors last year, also plays the viola for the school orchestra, competed in the U.S. Chess Nationals this past fall and can complete a Rubik’s Cube in less than a minute.

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