Grove Growth Needs New Traffic Signal

Jim Mazzarelli, managing director of Genesis Real Estate Advisers, gives a presentation to the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce about The Grove shopping plaza on Oakley Blvd. during the  Chamber’s Oct. 23 Economic Development Council meeting.
Jim Mazzarelli, managing director of Genesis Real Estate Advisers, gives a presentation to the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce about The Grove shopping plaza on Oakley Blvd. during the Chamber’s Oct. 23 Economic Development Council meeting.

By Matt Wiley

The Grove shopping plaza in Wesley Chapel (located off Oakley Blvd.) is about to get really busy, with the holiday shopping season about to kick into high gear. With several big box retailers, the plaza is a hot spot for shopping in our area. But, what if what you see isn’t all you’re going to get?Continue reading