SPoT's Tampa Am Contest Turns 20

Dylan Perry sticks a backside lipslide during the Best Trick contest at the 20th annual Tampa Am contest at Skatepark of Tampa on December 7.
Dylan Perry handles a gap over the pyramid to backside lipslide during the Best Trick contest at the 20th annual Tampa Am contest at Skatepark of Tampa on December 7. Photo: Matt Wiley

A warehouse lies in the industrial district of East Tampa, off Columbus Dr., not far from Ybor City. From the outside, it looks like just another building where some product is being mass-produced by machines. However, history is going down inside those walls, and young people were writing another chapter of that history on pieces of painted wood with four wheels during the 20th annual Tampa Am skateboarding contest at Skatepark of Tampa (SPoT) Dec. 5-8.Continue reading