New Tampa Toddler Drowns In Family's Garage

Parents in New Tampa now know how quickly tragedy can strike — sometimes it literally takes less than ten minutes. That is how long parents Moncef and Najet Bouaziz say they took their eyes off one of their seven children, Mujeeb, their one-year-old son, who drowned after tipping into a five-gallon bucket that was left in the garage. The bucket held less than 5 inches of water and cleaning solutions, and was accidentally left in the garage without a lid.Continue reading

Sexual Battery Charges Aplenty For Local Personal Trainer

By Sean Bowes

James Elbert Williams, a 39-year old New Tampa-based personal trainer, is back in Tampa’s Falkenburg Rd. Jail, facing multiple charges of battery and sexual battery. Williams has been arrested for the third time in a month, most recently in Arkansas, for sexual assault on a fifth victim, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) officials say.Continue reading

Tampa Police Department Offers Year-Round Vacation Peace Of Mind

By Sean Bowes

It becomes kind of like a scene from the movie “Home Alone.” You’re sitting on an airplane trying to relax for a much-needed vacation, and then the fear sets in. Did you pack your cell phone charger? Did you cancel the newspaper deliveries? Did you tell the neighbors to keep an eye on your house? Was the backdoor left open? Your vacation just became stressful, and you’re not even off the ground yet.Continue reading