A stampede comes to a halt outside of the USF Marshall Student Center. OK, it’s not a stampede, but several hundred USF Bulls who gathered to show cameras from NBC’s “The Today Show” what they’re made of, in hopes of bringing the popular morning news talk program show to campus.

Unfortunately, USF was ultimately beaten out by the University of Tennessee Volunteers, but the spirit shown in support of the cause was something of which the Bulls can be proud.

During the fourth hour of “Today” on September 20, members of the USF student body, band, cheerleaders and others, including USF president Judy Genshaft, squeezed together in front of NBC cameras facing the bull fountains outside of the Marshall Center (below) and appeared live for the nation to see, showing off as much school spirit as possible.

USF was one of six finalists in “Kathie Lee & Hoda’s College Challenge,” a “Today Show” competition to see which college had the most school spirit. Among the other finalists were Ohio State, Syracuse, Tennessee, Creighton and Brandeis universities.

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