By Gary Nager
Angelina:“Hi, I’m Angie.”
Diane: “And I’m Diane”
Both: “And we’re Spa Girls!”
If you thought you were having fun where you’ve been getting your hair, nails and other spa services done, all I can say, in all sincerity, is that “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
New Tampa Well-Spa owner Diane Pellegrino Levin (the wife and Practice Administrator of Podiatrist Dr. Stephen Levin’s New Tampa Foot & Ankle practice) and her marketing and publicity director Angelina Clarke are capitalizing on the age of YouTube and Facebook by not only offering great spa services in an immaculate (more on this below), elegant setting off S.R. 56, but also by recording two separate “Spa Girls” podcasts. One version of each “Spa Girls” segment is affiliated with the Well-Spa, while the other…let’s say “rougher,” un-sponsored, un-affiliated version…is where you really get some insight into the personalities of these two very…um…interesting and outspoken women. Diane and Angie will talk about anything from politics to Angie’s Facebook marriage proposals (she gets multiple proposals pretty much every day) and the shows are genuinely fun, funny and even a little raucous.
But the New Tampa Well-Spa itself is about much more than just the five (at our press time) “Spa Girls” TV segments. As a Registered Nurse (RN) and Practice Administrator at the medical office located in the same building in the Cypress Ridge Professional Park off S.R. 56, Diane wants all of her potential clients in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to know that cleanliness is perhaps the most important service offered at the months-old New Tampa Well-Spa.
“We are proud to be nurse-owned and operated,” she says. “We sterilize all of the instruments used in our manicure and pedicure services in the same autoclave used in Steve’s office,” she says. “We get a lot of clients from other nail salons who either have gotten infections there or know someone who did. We always want you to have a great spa experience when you come here.” She adds that you can even bring in your own polish, the pedicures are done in sterilized stainless steel basins and there’s even foot reflexology and nail care for diabetic patients available.
In addition to Diane and Angie, the New Tampa Well-Spa features the talents of licensed massage therapist (LMT) and “full specialist” Kelli Rodrigue, Creative Director and Matrix Artistic Educator & Colorist Keith Skiner and Stylist & Colorist Sara Blacklidge, all of whom offer outstanding services at very fair prices.
I myself was treated to not only a great massage on my birthday last month, but also my first back facial (don’t ask), a great little birthday cake and kisses from the Spa Girls themselves (see Magazine header above).
All I can tell you is that the place is super-clean without feeling “sterile,” the services are superb and Diane, Angie and their crew really seem to love what they do. One New Tampa resident who visited the last time I was there said, “Keith’s been cutting my hair for five years. Now that he’s here, I have no reason to go anyplace else!”
For a complete list of services available at the New Tampa Well-Spa (25827 Foggy Creek Rd., Suite 103), visit or call 438-2830. Ask how you can get 40-percent-off your first facial, waxing, reflexology, massage, manicure or pedicure with Kelli or your first hair service with Sara with the ad on pg. 5 of this issue. Also, check out the “Spa Girls” TV series on YouTube. com or The keywords are “SpaGirlsTampa.”
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