The Nagers Are Thankful For The Local Businesses That Helped Us Move Into SilversawĀ 

Neighborhood News deadlines are almost never easy for yours truly, but the deadline week to get our July 9 Wesley Chapel issue to the printer was surely more challenging than pretty much any since I suffered a detached retina in my left eye in September of 2023. 

Jannah and I signed a lease to move into the beautiful new Silversaw Luxury Apartments (next to the Hyatt Place Hotel on the north side of S.R. 56 at I-75) a couple of months ago and we both did the best we could to try to get as much done every off-deadline week since signing that lease to make the packing and moving as painless as humanly possible. 

Whatā€™s poet Robert Burnsā€™ old saying about the ā€œbest laid plans of mice and men?ā€ 

In other words, despite all of our efforts 6-8 weeks before the move ā€” although we moved into our incredibly spacious and comfortable new apartment on the usually quiet Monday of the deadline week for this issue ā€” I guess we should have given ourselves at least one additional day to get moved in. Itā€™s now clear to me that unpacking ā€” and finding a place for everything in a new place ā€” is infinitely harder than throwing out as much old ā€œstuffā€ as possible and putting the rest in boxes and suitcases in anticipation of a move. Itā€™s as though our entire previous apartment ā€” located less than a mile from our new one ā€” was one giant junk drawer and both Jannah and I were (and still are) determined to not let the same thing happen to our new digs. 

The truth of the matter is that other than brief interludes during my breaks between working on both ads and stories for this issue, Jannah did most of the actual unpacking, while I covered for her as much as possible to get all of our ads done. But, getting the multiple stories I had to write to fill the space in that issue to my satisfaction was an even tougher task for me. 

In fact, as I wrote this editorial on Sunday evening, with the paper due at the printer early on Monday, I still had three more stories to write, so I actually missed my deadline by a few hours, but the issue did still arrive in mailbox by (or before) its cover date of July 9. But, it sure wasnā€™t easy. 

Thanking Those Who Made It Easier 

The good news is that a number of local companies, only one of which is one of our advertisers, helped immensely with even making it possible for me to get the July 9 issue done on time. 

The first is Bull Moving, located on N. Florida Ave. a little north of Fowler Ave. These guys are pros. From just one phone call with Jannah, they determined what size truck we needed and how many guys (three) it would take to get our short-distance move completed on Monday. 

The crew showed up on time, worked pretty much non-stop to get everything neatly loaded onto the truck and bring it all in one trip into our new second-floor apartment. And, even though the job took longer than what was estimated, it most definitely wasnā€™t the fault of these three very courteous young men, who never stopped giving their all, making sure they carefully dropped off each piece of furniture and every box where we directed them to do so. 

Of course, not moving very far helped keep our cost down, but I donā€™t really believe any company could have done a better job for less money or in less time. For more info, call Jeremy at Bull Moving at (813) 943-6043 or visitĀ 

Of course, whenever you leave an apartment, you have to leave it ā€œbroom cleanā€ and our friends Erica and Reggie of Final Touch Quality Cleaners, who also have provided our regular clean-ups every two weeks, specialize in ā€œmove-outā€ cleans. Erica handled our job herself in just a few short hours, wiping down every surface (especially those we hadnā€™t seen behind furniture that hadnā€™t really been moved in five years), packed up and threw out all of the garbage we left behind, swept and mopped every floor and vacuumed every inch of carpeting in our two bedrooms, fully cleaned our two bathrooms, our refrigerator and freezer, our oven (which we rarely used) and even our laundry room. If youā€™ve been looking for a new residential or commercial cleaning service, you wonā€™t find better than Erica and Reggie of Final Touch. 

For more info, call Final Touch Cleaning at (813) 530-5591. 

And finally, although our air conditioning works great in our new place, Jannah and I have always had ceiling fans in our bedrooms and living room and we realized that there were none in our new place, which has a third bedroom that we are now using as our first dedicated home office space. 

We bought four nice-looking ceiling fans from a local home improvement warehouse and rather than pay that company to install the fans, we hired our friend (and licensed electrician) Jorge Gonzalez of GQ Electric. The day we brought the fans home, Jorge (left in photo) and his assistant showed up to professionally install all four fans in about two hours, cleaned up after themselves and did it for less than what the home improvement store would have charged ā€” and Jorge is just the nicest guy and super-trustworthy. For more info, call (352) 467-2412 or visitĀ 

And, for more info about Silversaw Luxury Apartments, visit