Tampa Premium Outlets GM Teases Epic Grand Opening

Tampa Premium Outlets general manager Stacey Nance addresses the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 18.
Tampa Premium Outlets general manager Stacey Nance addresses the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 18.

By Matt Wiley

If what general manager Stacey Nance told the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) during its recent Monthly Business Breakfast, the opening weekend for Simon Property Group’s new Tampa Premium Outlets is true—and we think it is—is something you won’t want to miss.Continue reading

Cypress Creek Town Center Development Begins

In the above map (courtesy of Sierra Properties, although modified by WCNN), all of the parcels in light brown are owned by Sierra, while the land in yellow (which includes the site of the future Tampa Premium Outlets mall) is owned by Simon Property Group, although the timetable for its development has not yet been officially set. The roadways in black & green north of S.R. 56 are under development now.
In the above map (courtesy of Sierra Properties, although modified by WCNN), all of the parcels in light brown are owned by Sierra, while the land in yellow  is owned by Simon Property Group.

By Matt Wiley | @NTWCNews

If you’ve been driving along S.R. 56 near Wesley Chapel Blvd. (aka S.R. 54), there’s a good chance you’ve noticed quite a bit of activity on the north side of 56. No, it’s not the long-awaited Tampa Premium Outlets mall, but development officially has begun on the Cypress Creek Town Center (CCTC) Development of Regional Impact (DRI), which has laid dormant for years.Continue reading